Jin Jung Kwan Hapkido’s goal to promote Hapkido worldwide as the
leading authority on realistic self-defense is taking the world by storm!
Realizing the dreams of Grandmaster Kim Myung Yong, who established the Jin Jung Kwan system of Hapkido in 1967, Grandmaster Rhoades' intent is to preserve the integrity of Jin Jung Kwan and he has been opening doors worldwide to this incredible opportunity.
Promoting Jin Jung Kwan as a pure and complete martial art system, Grandmaster Rhoades is welcoming professional-minded, progressive instructors, school owners and students to take part in this amazing system.
Offering legitimate certification with worldwide recognition, instructors interested in bringing this high level of quality to their students should contact the Jin Jung Kwan headquarters in Wentzville, MO right away.
Grandmaster Rhoades' appointment as Vice President of Jin Jung Kwan worldwide has opened doors to unlimited potential. His ranking as 8th Degree Black Belt and the backing of Grandmaster Kim himself leaves no doubt as to the validity of instructors and schools that are certified in this amazing, high-quality system of Hapkido.
Featured in the TaeKwonDo Times Magazine, September 2017 Issue
Grandmaster Rhoades Promoted to 9th Dan and President of Jin Jung Kwan
by Grandmaster Kim Myung Yong - April 21, 2018
(Click on a photo to view larger version.)
KHF Seminar - October 2015
Self-Defense Against A Weapon: The story filmed by Dmitry Lozhenskiy in October 2015 in Wentzville, Missouri, US:
Self-Defense Against A Gun: The story filmed by Dmitry Lozhenskiy in October 2015 in Wentzville, Missouri, US:
Grandmaster Rhoades Appointed as Director of the Korea Hapkido Federation over the United States. - March 2015 "I would like to take the time to personally thank all my seniors in the Hapkido community and especially Gm Kim Myung Yong, Gm Bae Sung Book and Obviously President Oh Se Lim.
I humbly accepted this position with the hopes of uniting qualified Hapkido Instructors/Masters in the United States. I will be appointing 6 Regional Directors that are qualified and willing to work in the promotion and growth of the KHF. Once the Regional Directors have been selected we will then appoint individual state representatives.
There are many talented and professional individuals who I'm sure will rise to the challenge. Again, Thank you for this opportunity and I look forward to working with my fellow Hapkido practitioners. Hap Ki Grandmaster Rhoades "
Grandmaster Rhoades Promoted to Vice President Jin Jung Kwan Worldwide - December 2012
Grandmaster Kim's pride in our Grandmaster Rhoades' accomplishments resulted in Grandmaster Rhoades' promotion to 8th Degree Black Belt, receipt of his official Korean Name (Kim Dae Hun) plus an amazing bonding experience with the Founder of Jin Jung Kwan Hapkido. An Amazing Honor!
Grandmaster Kim announced GM Rhoades
Vice President Jin Jung Kwan Hapkido
Grandmaster Kim announced
Grandmaster Rhoades' Korean Name
Grandmaster Kim announced
Grandmaster Rhoades' promotion 8th dan
Grandmaster Rhoades Awarded 'Wentzville Citizen of the Year' - January 2013
Grandmaster Rhoades was the recipient of the 2012 Citizen of the Year Award from the City of Wentzville on January 16, 2013. Chosen by the Board of Alderman as the best representative of this award, Grandmaster Rhoades received recognition for his contribution to community and the beautification of Wentzville with the changes he made to 600 West Pearce Boulevard as well as his ongoing efforts with his students since 1994. View full Suburban Journal article