Jin Jung Kwan Hapkido-USA, Inc.


Why choose Hapkido as my martial art?
Jin Jung Kwan Hapkido is the leading authority on self-defense. As the most comprehensive system available, Jin Jung Kwan Hapkido teaches only realistic self-defense. This is singularly the most effective skillset available to a serious martial artist. With no tournaments plus no memorized forms, all of your training promotes growth, self-confidence. You will see improvements in every area of your life! Check out this chart for examples of martial arts skills taught in Hapkido vs. all other arts. Students of all ages learn real self-defense plus life skills that will help them to be successful in whatever they do. Not a sport, Jin Jung Kwan Hapkido is for the student who truly desires self-improvement.

Hapkido Teaches Practitioners to:
1) Be humble
2) Be brave
3) Never compromise with injustice
4) Never initiate a confrontation
Purpose of Practicing Hapkido:
1) A practical, legal self-defense system for dangerous situations
2) Develop physical strength by training the body and spirit plus
    also cultivating a sound mind
3) Develop patience with one’s own personality

Can anyone take Hapkido?
While every Jin Jung Kwan Hapkido technique is effective, there are a variety of components that come into play regarding the students. An eager, attentive, open-minded student will reap the reward of training very quickly. As the classroom environment and instructors offer a wide variety of training partners plus multiple skill levels, there is always room for any body structure, any level of experience, all ages…everyone who trains in Jin Jung Kwan Hapkido will see benefits.

When I can I start?
Students range in age from 4 up. The younger students will be evaluated for their readiness for classes. The professional mindset of the instructors and other students helps the newer students to feel welcome, plus sets the stage for productive, fun training!
We have open enrollment which means any time is a great time to start! We continuously review the curriculum and do not function as a ‘session’ program.

Previous Training
Martial artists with prior training are welcome at all Jin Jung Kwan Hapkido locations. As there is a wide-spectrum of concentration in the variety of martial arts, students with prior training will be evaluated individually for their skill level before starting classes.

How much does it cost?
Offering a wide variety of programs, we offer multiple levels of enrollments from introductory up to elite. Each of the programs offer different scheduling opportunities plus differing pricing and payment structures. Encouraging entire families to get involved, Jin Jung Kwan Hapkido offers family discounts—the family that kicks together, sticks together!

What is your inclement weather policy?
The JJK Headquarters location generally follows local school cancellations. See details here.