Jin Jung Kwan Hapkido-USA, Inc.


Grandmaster Rhoades I would like to personally welcome all martial artists who want to train and provide the best self-defense available. I have been Blessed to have found Jin Jung Kwan and been exposed to the honorable teachings of Grandmaster Kim Myung Yong. There are a lot of martial arts to choose from these days but I know you will find the realistic approach of Jin Jung Kwan to be the best fit.
I have studied and trained martial arts all my life and I'm honored to have the privilege to share what has been taught to me.

Jin Jung Kwan is about Family. It teaches and reinforces life skill lessons as well as character development. Having the most comprehensive curriculum is great for self-defense but our responsibility is not limited to teaching students how to fight, but more importantly teaching them what to fight for. Only the best Instructors continue learning and growing so they may develop a following of TRUE martial artists. Thank you and welcome to our Jin Jung Kwan family.

 - Grandmaster Michael Rhoades